航空学报 > 1981, Vol. 2 Issue (4): 31-37



  1. 建材部上海玻璃钢研究所
  • 收稿日期:1980-10-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1981-12-25 发布日期:1981-12-25


Zhu Yiling   

  1. Shanghai GRP Research Institute
  • Received:1980-10-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1981-12-25 Published:1981-12-25

摘要: 在使用玻璃钢/复合材料进行结构物设计时,至少需考虑下面三个特点,即:材料性能的可设计性;结构物形状的无限制性;材料的线性弹性与强度分散性。

Abstract: During the last 20 years, there have been vast researches and developments on composite materials, especially on their raw materials and their end uses. But, the literature of design philosophy is relatively rare. The status of structural design is merely at the so-called "replacement design' stage.From the designer's point of view, the author would discuss some fundamental considerations on structural composites. First, the properties of composites can be tailored. Next, the configuration of structures is unrestrained. The last consideration concerns the linear elastic properties and wide scatter of strength.In order to make a good structural design of composite materials, it is necessary to be clear on the external loading and environment conditions, and obtain the allowable data from large sample testing. Then, the designer has to analyze the worst conditions that the structure is capable of sustaining.