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(北京理工大学宇航学院,北京 100081;中国空间技术研究院,北京 100086)
关键词:  深度学习  姿态估计  非合作目标
Attitude Estimation of Non-cooperative Spacecraft Based on Deep Learning
YANG Xing-hao,SHE Hao-ping,LI Hai-chao,JIN Ming-chun,SONG Jian-mei
(School of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technolog, Beijing 100081, China;China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100086, China)
Aiming at the problem that the attitude measurement of non-cooperative spacecraft is greatly affected by illumination and Earth background, an end-to-end attitude estimation method based on Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) is proposed for attitude measurement of non-cooperative targets. In this method, AlexNet and ResNet are used as the backbone network. Firstly, the full connection layer at the end of the backbone network is removed, and three full connection layers are connected in parallel. The attitude angle is estimated by three branch networks. Secondly, the loss function which combines the classification problem and the regression problem is designed. The attitude estimation is limited to a certain range by the classification method, and then the regression method is used to further fine tune the attitude. The attitude classification loss function determines the datum point of the attitude angle, and the attitude regression loss function adjusts the estimated angle. Compared with the regression method, this method can effectively reduce the average absolute error, standard deviation and maximum error of attitude estimation. The measurement accuracy of different backbone networks is compared, the average absolute error ranges from 0.376 ° to 0.746 ° and the optimal standard deviation is 0.474°.
Key words:  Deep learning  Attitude estimation  Non-cooperative target

